Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Big Bone Lick

Today, we went with our friends to Big Bone Lick State Park where we enjoyed a day with the park naturalist. He led us in a fun lecture about the ice age that covered this part of KY. The kids all took part in role playing saber-tooth tigers, sloths, mammoths, even ice moving across excellent use of creative dramatics! I wish my college students could have seen it!

At lunch, Mrs. Rachel lit a fire and everyone roasted marshmallows. Then we spent the afternoon learning survival skills that may have been used by American Indians in this area. We learned flint napping (sp?), jewelry making, even how to start a fire using a bow and hearth...not by rubbing two sticks together!

The favorite part of both Embree & Reeves (and many others) was learning to toss 6ft darts with the atlatl...I see lots of dart making and shelter building adventures at the farm this summer!! Reeves says he's ready for an archery class now! Scary! He learned how to make a cutting instrument sharper that a scalpel, throw a spear-like dart, and start a fire all in one day! I think our insurance premiums just went up! It was a great day!!

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