Sunday, October 12, 2008

Scavenger Hunt

This week we took a break on Tuesday afternoon to join some friends for a scaenger hunt. It was great fun! We did lots of silly stunts, but in the end our team won!! Here's a list of some of our favorites...

Go to Speedway, sing Happy Unbirthday to the cashier on duty.

Go to someone's house and say, "Trick or Treat" Bonus Points if you get a treat from them without asking.

Get the book Green Eggs and Ham, then go to the grocery store of your choice. Go to the dairy section and read the book out loud. (You may stop only if the manager asks you to.)

Get a clean diaper. (1) (Loose 200 points if the diaper is dirty.)

Take away one point for every red light that stops you.

Thank a fireman for being a hero, then get his/her signature.

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