Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Artistic Mother Art Group: Post 1: Beginning

This is the first week of the 

The book, The Artistic Mother, by Shona Cole, is written in a twelve week format. Because my daughter is very creative and artistic herself, and because my sons enjoy making a mess, I've decided to work my daily art time into our homeschool time. Why make them wait until they are adults to relearn how to carve out a little personal creative time? My plan is to invite them to join in the same projects I'm doing or to think of their own and perhaps create a habit in their younger years. We may not get all of the assigned parts done on a daily basis, nor may we stay on a strict twelve week schedule, but we will do something toward our goal each day.

I certainly won't be able to post my work each day, but will aim for a weekly post summarizing our progress. I thought I'd blog today, just to mark the beginning.

Week 1/Day 1 Assignment
Art: Background papers step 1 - check!
Baby Boy and I were up all night with his tummy bug, and I could have easily put off the beginning another day, but...I had an art teacher once who said that the hardest part of any piece is the first mark on the paper. So, I decided to make that get the pages gesso'd so that the project was begun. I used pages from the kids school recycling bin. Some have words showing through the gesso...thought that might add to the project since we are all about homeschooling around here!

Other things due on Day 1

Poetry: Read a poem - check!
The Rainbow 
by Walter de la Mare

I saw the lovely arch
Of Rainbow span the sky,
The gold sun burning
As the rain swept by
The bright-ringed solitude
The showery foliage shone
One lovely moment,
And the Bow was gone.
Photography: Make a list of the kids' 
activities - Check!
reading, writing, building fairy gardens, hunting sticks, timing each other's tooth brushing, xbox, sign language class, co-op classes, filed trips, sleeping, visiting the rabbits at Tractor 
Supply, washing the dog...endless possibilities. 1 - Check!
It's a beginning!

Check out my fellow artistic moms and their beginnings!

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